Recent ICAC Cases

Aug 2024
FEHD Foreman sentenced for breaching POBO by accepting unauthorised loan of $60,000 from subordinate

A Foreman of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), charged by the ICAC, was today (August 15) sentenced at the Eastern Magistrates’ Courts to four months’ imprisonment, suspended for three years, for accepting an unauthorised loan of $60,000 from a subordinate in breach of the anti-bribery law.

Lai Tak-sum, 56, Foreman of the FEHD, pleaded guilty at the Eastern Magistrates’ Courts to one count of prescribed officer accepting an advantage on July 25, contrary to section 3 of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (POBO), and was remanded in the custody of the Correctional Services Department until today. Principal Magistrate Mr Don So Man-lung, having considered the defendant’s background report, today imposed a sentence of four months’ imprisonment, suspended for three years.

The court heard that at the material time, the defendant was a Foreman of the FEHD posted to the Cleansing and Pest Control Section (Central/Western). Amongst his subordinates was a Workman II of the FEHD.

The defendant admitted that on September 27, 2023, for reason of settling a payment with the court, he solicited a loan of $60,000 from the aforesaid subordinate, and accepted the loan without the general or special permission of the Chief Executive.

The ICAC investigation arose from a corruption complaint. Enquiries revealed that the defendant had borrowed money from the said Workman II of FEHD but never sought any permission pursuant to the “Acceptance of Advantages (Chief Executive Permission) Notice”.

The FEHD rendered full assistance to the ICAC during the investigation.

The prosecution was today represented by Public Prosecutor Katie Fong, assisted by ICAC officer Tony Sze-To.

The ICAC reminds civil servants to uphold integrity and financial prudence at all times. Civil servants should strictly adhere to the POBO as well as the provisions in the “Acceptance of Advantages (Chief Executive Permission) Notice” relating to the acceptance of advantages offered to them in their private capacity.

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