
Handling of procurement matters
- Compromised staff accept illegal rebates from food suppliers for ordering excessive quantity of food materials.
- Compromised staff accept advantages from colluded suppliers for conniving at short delivery or sub-standard goods.
- Dishonest procurement staff colluded with suppliers to inflate prices of goods.

Handling of confidential information
- Colluded staff accept advantages for leaking quotation price or tender information to favoured suppliers
- Compromised staff accept advantages from competitors for leaking company’s information, e.g. marketing/promotion activities, customers data.

Sales and operations
- Dishonest staff misappropriate restaurant coupons or expensive inventory items for personal gain.
- Frontline staff accept advantages for waiving charges or offering unauthorized discounts to friends.

Staff administration
- Staff accept advantages from colluded candidates for showing favour in staff recruitment or promotion.
- Compromised supervisors or managers accept advantages from subordinates for unfair allocation of duties.
- Staff deceive company money with falsified attendance records or overtime claims.

Conflict of interest
- Staff purchase food materials from suppliers in which staff have financial interest.
- Kitchen staff monitoring quality and quantity of food supplies involve in frequent gambling with suppliers.
- Supervisors favour friends or relatives in recruitment, promotion, or allocation of duties and overtime work.
- Staff give discounts or waive charges for friends or relatives without endorsement by higher authority.