

The Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Centre (HKBEDC) offers free anti-corruption and ethics training to help companies build an ethical corporate culture and prevent corruption and fraud.

For accounting companies

2-icon-1General staff

Training Objectives

  • Alert to corruption temptations in daily work
  • Enhance knowledge of anti-corruption law
  • Acquire skills to make ethical decision 

Training Objectives

  • Alert to managerial role in preventing corruption
  • Acquire skills to identify and manage corruption risks at daily work
  • Procure useful tips to manage staff integrity
2-icon-3Senior Management

Training Objectives

  • Enhance awareness on role of ethical leadership
  • Alert to common red flags and corruption loopholes
  • Procure good practices in preventing corruption and building ethical culture



Contact us if your company is interested in arranging anti-corruption or ethics training

For accounting professionals

Members of professional bodies may obtain continuing professional development (CPD) hours by attending seminars offered by the HKBEDC.


The following professional bodies have arranged CPD seminars jointly with the HKBEDC:


  • Accounting Development Foundation
  • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Hong Kong Chapter;
  • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Hong Kong;
  • Association of Chinese Internal Auditors;
  • Association of Hong Kong Accountants; 
  • Association of International Accountants (Hong Kong Branch);
  • Association of Women Accountants (Hong Kong);
  • Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (Hong Kong Division);
  • CPA Australia;
  • CPA Canada (Hong Kong Chapter);
  • Hong Kong Business Accountants Association;
  • Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants; and
  • The Institute of Certified Management Accountants (Hong Kong Branch)
  • The Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors 
  • The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong 


Click here to see our upcoming CPD seminars for accounting professionals.

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