Case Studies
Our case studies contain analysis and discussion points for users to better understand the legal provisions. They also provide suggestions on how to prevent corruption, fraud and malpractices.
Tim was the director of a Hong Kong company and was stationed in its Mainland factory. He instructed a transportation company operator to inflate the service fees statement and used the falsified documents to mislead the principal.
Daniel, a senior credit officer of a bank, conducted a site inspection with his supervisor at a customer’s factory in Guangdong. When they suspected that a bogus transaction might be involved, the factory owner offered each of them an expensive watch.
Andrew was the chief accountant of a large trading company. He discovered a number of fraudulent and corrupt activities involving senior sales representatives and their mainland clients and such activities were condoned by the senior management.
William, a restaurant owner, offered a handsome referral commission to his friend, a general manager of a travel agency, for getting into the travel agency’s approved list.
Production manager Mr. Wong was deployed to oversee the whole mechanical production process in the mainland and award production order to suitable factories. Two manufacturers offered him kickback for placing more production orders.