Case Studies
Partial prudence

Felix, a production manager of a large toy factory, had two assistants, Gigi and Gordon. Gigi was the favourite because she was a young charming lady and also a cousin of the General Manager while Gordon was not because he was brash and sometimes outright insolent. They were both responsible for handling the overtime claims for workers on the toy production. The Finance Department had complained to Felix a few times about Gigi and raised queries over some overtime claims forwarded by Gigi. There were widespread rumours that Gigi might have overstated the overtime hours and even forged claims by using ghost workers. Yet, Felix could not bring himself to ask Gigi for explanations but went easy on her by telling her to be more ‘prudent’ when handling the overtime claims in the future. On the other hand, the Finance Department contacted Felix again but this time was about Gordon. They had questions about some discrepancies on the hours of the overtime claims forwarded by Gordon. However, Felix treated Gordon more strictly and was much firmer on the occasion.
Was Felix being equally fair to his assistants when handling the queries from the Finance Department? Would it upset the General Manager if Felix was not kind to Gigi at work, which in return affected Felix’s work prospect? How would it affect his professional image in the eyes of other colleagues?
Case Analysis
Felix was facing an ethical dilemma that might put his personal values such as fairness, responsibility and honesty to challenge. In handling the situation, Felix should identify the relevant facts and take stock of all stakeholders concerned. The following factors should be taken into consideration when identifying viable alternatives and choosing the best course of action:
- Any violation to her professional, industry specific, or company code of conduct.
- Is it against the Law?
- Does it correspond with his self-values such as fairness, responsibility and honesty?
- Can he disclose his decision to others openly and honestly without misgivings?
The ETHICS PLUS ethical decision making model might be helpful for him in solving the dilemma.