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The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) Annual Banking Conference 2019
The Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Centre continues to serve as a supporting organisation for the Annual Banking Conference (Conference) this year and encourages banking executives and related professionals to join the event.
The Conference is an annual event organised by HKIB. With the theme “The New Future of Banking and Bankers – Greater Bay Area and Digitalisation”, this year’s event will focus on the digital innovations and policies adjustments in the banking industry, including the latest technological advancements and the national Greater Bay Area masterplan, which offer exciting opportunities to the financial services sector. It will dive deep into these new changes and discuss on how to implement and take advantage of these fundamental changes to the banking industry as banking evolves over the next decade.
Details of the event as below:
• Date: 26 September 2019 (Thursday)
• Time: 9:00am to 5:15pm
• Venue: N100 Series (New Wing), Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
• HKIB CPD / SFC CPT: 3 hours for the Morning session and 2.5 hours for the Afternoon session
• Registration: Click here
Please visit the event website for details and early bird enrolment by 30 June 2019. For enquiries, please call HKIB at 2153 7800 or email to bankingconference@hkib.org.