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“Professional Integrity and Corruption Prevention in Testing and Certification” Webinar

One of the key strengths of Hong Kong's testing and certification (T&C) sector is its high level of integrity and credibility, which gives confidence to users of T&C services.  To maintain the integrity standard in the industry, the Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Centre will jointly organise a webinar with the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification and the Hong Kong Accreditation Service on 30 July 2020 (Thursday).


The webinar will cover the anti-corruption laws in Hong Kong and the common corruption risks and ethical issues that may be encountered by T&C practitioners.  Details of the webinar are as follows:



30 July 2020 (Thursday)


3:00 pm to 4:30 pm (including Q&A)


Cantonese (presentation slides in English)


Free (Pre-registration is required)

Target audience

Managerial and frontline practitioners in testing and certification sector as well as persons interested in the topic


Click here


For enquiries, please contact Ms Charmaine NG at 3605 9630 or email to hkctcwebinar_30july@mills.events.


Events, Joint Collaboration, Integrity Sharing, Ethics Seminar
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