Feature Articles

The feature articles illustrate the anti-corruption laws in Hong Kong and practical tips on corruption prevention through scenarios.

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「誠信保險知多啲」(4) 保險阿頭唔易做

Feature Article for the Insurance Industry - Tips for Managerial Staff (Chinese only)

「誠信保險知多啲」(5) 「誠信保」─ 終身保障,保費全免!

Feature Article for the Insurance Industry - The Integrity Protector (Chinese only)

誠信為先  成就未來

Feature Article for the Insurance Industry - 誠信為先 成就未來 (Chinese only)

履行管理責任 建立優秀團隊

Feature Article for the Insurance Industry - 履行管理責任 建立優秀團隊 (Chinese only)

洞悉貪污誘因 加強誠信管理

Feature Article for the Insurance Industry - 洞悉貪污誘因 加強誠信管理 (Chinese only)

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