Banking Network Bulletin is a communication platform between members of the Corruption Prevention Network for Banks (Banking Network) and the Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Centre (HKBEDC) of the ICAC. The Bulletin will keep you update on the latest anti-corruption information, resources and activities.

銀行網絡專區是銀行界防貪網絡 (銀行網絡) 成員與廉政公署香港商業道德發展中心 (中心) 之間的溝通平台。您可以在這裡獲得最新的防貪資訊、資源和活動信息。

Why joining the Banking Network?

First-hand information 第一手資訊

Banking Network members will receive news alerts on following first-hand information:

latest anti-corruption news

regular Bank On Integrity e-newsletter
定期出版的 Bank On Integrity 電子通訊

recent ICAC cases relating to banks

new education resources for banking practitioners

upcoming training activities for the banking industry

Exclusive events 成員專屬活動

The HKBEDC organises events exclusively for Banking Network members to:

exchange views on issues pertaining to anti-corruption, corporate governance and professional ethics, etc.

enhance knowledge on anti-corruption laws and share experience on corruption prevention

understand the work of the ICAC and its corruption prevention services for banks

meet and engage with other bank managers in the Network

What's new? 最新消息

ICAC Seminars 廉署講座
ICAC Cases 廉署個案
Bank on Integrity e-newsletter 電子通訊 (PDF)
Latest activities 最新活動 (Stay tuned for our announcement留意公佈)

Banking Network members are encouraged to invite eligible colleagues to join!

The Corruption Prevention Network for Banks maintained by HKBEDC aims to foster co-operation and exchange of information among bank managers on various aspects of integrity promotion and corruption prevention.

Members join the Banking Network on a personal basis. Practitioners holding managerial positions from training, human resources, legal & compliance departments are welcome to join the Banking Network of around 300 members.



* HKBEDC reserves the right to decline any application to join the Network or cancel any individual membership at any time.
* 中心保留拒絕任何加入網絡的申請或隨時取消個別成員資格的權利

Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Centre

Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Centre 香港商業道德發展中心

Established under the auspices of the Community Relations Department of the ICAC, the Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Centre (HKBEDC) aims to promote business and professional ethics on a long-term basis to sustain a level-playing field in Hong Kong. We offer free ethics training and consultancy services for business organisations and professional bodies.

香港商業道德發展中心 (中心) 由廉政公署社區關係處成立,以推動商業道德和專業操守為長遠目標,維持香港公平的營商環境。中心為商業機構及專業團體提供免費的誠信培訓及防貪顧問服務。

More anti-corruption information on our website!

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