Recent ICAC Cases

Sep 2024
Deputy general manager of construction company charged by ICAC for taking $2m bribe for securing project works for subcontractor

The ICAC today (September 3) charged a deputy general manager of a construction company with allegedly accepting a bribe of $2 million from an operator of a works subcontractor for assisting the latter in securing a slope and soil nail works subcontract under a site formation project.

Xu Wenju, 40, deputy general manager of China Railway 15th Bureau Group Company Limited (Hong Kong Representative Office) (CR15); and Ng Koon-shing, 60, operator of Hanki Contractors (Hong Kong) & Associates Limited (Hanki), jointly face one count of conspiracy for an agent to accept an advantage, contrary to section 9(1)(a) of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance and section 159A of the Crimes Ordinance. The duo was released on ICAC bail, pending their appearance at the Eastern Magistrates’ Courts on Thursday (September 5) for mention. The prosecution will apply for transferring the case to the District Court for plea.

At the material time, Xu was the deputy general manager of CR15 responsible for overseeing the company’s construction projects in Hong Kong, while Ng was the operator of works subcontractor Hanki.

Since May 2022, CR15 collaborated with another construction company to jointly manage a site formation and infrastructure works project of the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) in Tseung Kwan O. Xu, representing CR15, joined the management committee of the project to approve tenders submitted by subcontractors and handle relevant supervision matters.

The charge alleges that between July and November 2022, Xu and Ng conspired together for Xu to agree to accept from Ng a bribe of $2 million for assisting Hanki to secure the slope and soil nail works subcontract under the aforesaid project (the contract).

The ICAC investigation arose from a corruption complaint. Enquiries revealed that Xu and Ng reached the relevant bribery agreement during the aforesaid period. It was also revealed that Hanki would not have been invited to bid for the works had it not been recommended to the management committee of the project by Xu. After Hanki’s submission of its tender for the contract, Xu had provided Hanki with his advice and assistance during the tendering exercise. However, since Hanki was not the lowest bidder, it was not awarded the contract.

CR15 prohibited its staff from soliciting or accepting advantages in relation to the company’s business.

The CEDD and CR15 rendered full assistance to the ICAC during its investigation into the case.

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