Recent ICAC Cases

Jul 2024
Ex-manager of FEHD contractor charged by ICAC for extorting $38,000 in wages from cleaning workers by deceit

The ICAC today (July 23) charged a former manager of a cleaning service contractor of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) for allegedly deceiving three subordinate cleaning workers into returning a wage difference totalling over $38,000 in a span of nearly two years, by falsely representing to them that the employer had miscalculated their wages.

Choy Wai-hong, 50, former contract manager of Sparkle Environmental Services Limited (Sparkle), faces three counts of fraud, contrary to section 16A of the Theft Ordinance. He was released on ICAC bail, pending his appearance at the Kwun Tong Magistrates’ Courts on Thursday (July 25) for plea.

At the material time, the defendant was a contract manager of Sparkle, a cleaning service contractor of the FEHD. He was responsible for supervising the company’s foremen and cleaning workers posted to Sai Kung District, and handling relevant matters of recruitment and employment contracts.

The offences took place between August 2020 and July 2022. The defendant, without Sparkle’s authorisation, allegedly made false representations to the three cleaning workers concerned that they were employed and paid as casual workers. It is alleged that subsequently, the defendant falsely represented to the three workers that Sparkle had miscalculated their wages, and with intent to defraud, induced the trio to return part of their wages, totalling over $38,000, to the defendant.

The ICAC investigation arose from a corruption complaint in relation to workers’ wages. Enquiries revealed that the trio were in fact Sparkle’s full-time employees who were entitled to higher pay rates, but the defendant allegedly made false representations to them that they were employed as casual cleaning workers at a daily wage of either $420 or $450 only. Meanwhile, the defendant had never returned to Sparkle the wages which he defrauded out of the trio.

The FEHD and Sparkle rendered full assistance to the ICAC during its investigation into the case.

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