Recent ICAC Cases

Oct 2023
Two former team leaders of park construction project charged by ICAC jailed for bribery over worker employment

Two then team leaders of a sub-contractor of a park construction project, charged by the ICAC, were today (October 26) sentenced at the Kowloon City Magistrates’ Courts to jail terms of five months and six months respectively for accepting bribes totalling over $64,000 from four workers for securing the latter’s employment with the sub-contractor.

The defendants were Kwong Chi-kit, 39; and Chan Wai-kwok, 35, both former team leaders of HK Huangshangyou Steel Industrial Limited (HSY). Kwong was sentenced to five months’ imprisonment, while Chan was jailed for six months. The duo were ordered by Magistrate Mr Peter Yu Chun-cheung to repay the bribes concerned as restitution to their then employer.

Kwong and Chan earlier pleaded guilty to two joint charges of conspiracy for agents to accept an advantage, contrary to section 9(1)(a) of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance and section 159A of the Crimes Ordinance. Chan alone further pleaded guilty to two other similar offences.

In sentencing, the Magistrate remarked that the defendants had repeatedly accepted from the workers bribes payments which constituted a rather substantial proportion of their daily wages, and hence warranted a deterrent sentence.

At the material time, HSY was a steel and metal works sub-contractor of a park construction project in Kai Tak. Kwong and Chan joined HSY in March 2021. Kwong was tasked to source workers for HSY to work for the project under the supervision of Chan at a daily wage of $1,400.

The offences took place between April and August 2021. Kwong and Chan conspired together to accept bribes totalling over $31,000 from two workers, while Chan also accepted bribes totalling over $32,000 from two other workers. The duo accepted the aforesaid bribes for assisting the four workers to secure their employment from or maintain their employment with HSY.

The ICAC investigation arose from a corruption complaint. Enquiries revealed that the duo conspired to solicit a daily rebate ranging from $300 to $500 from the four workers, and accepted bribes ranging from $10,000 to over $21,000 from each worker.

HSY had rendered full assistance to the ICAC during its investigation.

The prosecution was today represented by ICAC officer Derek So.

In recent years, the ICAC has taken a series of enforcement actions against solicitation and acceptance of illegal rebates from construction workers and launched a series of relevant publicity and education programmes. An ICAC spokesperson urges construction workers not to tolerate corruption. Should they be asked to pay bribes in exchange for their employment, they should report to the ICAC immediately. ICAC’s report corruption hotline: 25 266 366.

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