Recent ICAC Cases

Oct 2023
Ex-head chef of Chinese restaurant charged by ICAC jailed for 12 months over bribery and perversion

A then head chef of a Chinese restaurant, charged by the ICAC, was today (October 13) sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment at the West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts upon conviction of soliciting and accepting bribes from a subordinate for assisting the subordinate and his wife to maintain employment with the restaurant and get promoted, and perverting public justice by inciting the subordinate to make false statements to the Commission in respect of the bribery investigation.

Zhong Sheng, 41, former head chef of Fu Rong Food & Beverage Limited (Fu Rong), was found guilty of seven charges — three of agent soliciting an advantage and two of agent accepting an advantage, contrary to section 9(1)(a) of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance; and two of doing an act tending and intended to pervert the course of public justice, contrary to the Common Law.

In sentencing, Magistrate Mr Jason Wan Siu-ming said the offences committed by the defendant were serious in nature, and that the solicitation over the employment of a pregnant subordinate was particularly evil, warranting a custodial sentence.

At the material time, the couple concerned were employed by Fu Rong. As the head chef of Fu Rong, the defendant was responsible for overseeing its kitchen operation and making recommendation to the company on staff posting and promotion. The couple were his subordinates.

The court heard that in about October 2019, the defendant solicited from the husband a bribe between $20,000 and $40,000 for maintaining the employment of the wife with Fu Rong upon knowing she was pregnant. He finally accepted a bribe of $10,000 from the husband for the same purpose.

In May 2021, the defendant further solicited from the husband on two occasions a bribe of $1,000 per month and a one-off bribe payment of $2,000 for assisting the husband to transfer his post with a pay rise of HK$2,000 and to obtain a promotion at Fu Rong. In fear the defendant would cause him hardship at work if he did not accede to the request, the husband paid $2,000 to the defendant.

After the defendant was arrested by the ICAC in March 2022, the defendant, with intent to pervert the course of public justice, twice incited the husband to give a false statement to the ICAC by falsely representing that part of the payments concerned was a loan and that the defendant had already made the repayment.

Fu Rong prohibited its employees to use their positions to solicit or accept any advantages. It had rendered full assistance to the ICAC during its investigation into the case.

The prosecution was today represented by Senior Public Prosecutor Joey Lin, assisted by ICAC officer William Leung.

An ICAC spokesperson urges members of public not to tolerate corruption. Should they be asked to pay bribes in exchange for their employment or favourable treatment, they should report to the ICAC immediately. ICAC’s report corruption hotline: 25 266 366.

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