Recent ICAC Cases

Sep 2023
Woman charged as ICAC probe reveals using false instrument in broker firm’s Responsible Officer application with IA

The ICAC today (September 13) charged a woman for allegedly using a false job reference letter in her application to the Insurance Authority (IA) as the Responsible Officer of a broker company.

Funnie Lau Ngar-yee, 37, director of ESS Insurance Brokers Limited (ESS), faces one count of using a copy of a false instrument, contrary to Section 74 of the Crimes Ordinance. She was released on ICAC bail to appear at the Eastern Magistrates’ Courts on Friday (September 15) for plea.

In accordance with the Insurance Ordinance, licensed insurance companies or broker companies should appoint a Responsible Officer to discharge the relevant responsibilities in relation to regulated business. A Responsible Officer should have at least five years’ experience in the insurance industry, including two years’ management experience. Prior approval of the IA is required for appointing a Responsible Officer.

At the material time, the defendant was a director of ESS, as well as a sales and marketing assistant manager of Mpfsupermart Company Limited (Mpfsupermart), a licensed broker company. On March 8, 2021, ESS applied to the IA for appointing the defendant as its Responsible Officer.

In the application, the defendant allegedly used a copy of a job reference letter of Mpfsupermart, which she knew was a false instrument, with the intention of inducing the IA to accept it as a copy of a genuine instrument.

The ICAC investigation arose from a corruption complaint. Enquiries revealed that in the job reference letter, the defendant was said to be a marketing director of Mpfsupermart but the company did not have such a post.

Had the IA known that the application contained false information, it would not have approved the defendant’s application.

The IA has rendered full assistance to the ICAC during its investigation into the case.

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