Recent ICAC Cases

Sep 2023
Duo charged by ICAC with bribery for RMB 500,000 purchase order of semiconductor company

A then director of a semiconductor manufacturer and a sales representative of a supplier were charged by the ICAC today (September 12) with bribery for allegedly facilitating the supplier to obtain a purchase order for items used in manufacturing semiconductors worth over RMB 500,000.

Stephen Ho Chi-hoi, 55, former director of engineering department of Nexperia (China) Ltd (Nexperia); and James Gin Yiu-chung, 71, sales representative of Corbest Development Limited (Corbest) and its subsidiary Dong Guan Sun Honest Microelectronics Equipment Limited (Sun Honest), jointly face one count of conspiracy for an agent to accept advantages, contrary to Section 9(1)(a) of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance and Section 159A of the Crimes Ordinance.

The defendants were released on ICAC bail, pending their appearance at the Shatin Magistrates’ Courts on Thursday (September 14) for plea.

At the material time, Ho was the person-in-charge of engineering department of Nexperia. He was responsible for supervising the department to assess technical capabilities of suppliers and recommending vendors to Nexperia. Gin was a sales representative of Corbest and Sun Honest, which were both suppliers of Nexperia.

In around February 2017, Nexperia started to select a supplier for two items, namely mold chase and cavity bar, which were used to manufacture semiconductors. Nexperia invited Gin and two other suppliers to provide quotations for its evaluation.

It is alleged that between February 2017 and June 2019, Ho and Gin conspired together for Ho to accept a bribe of over HK$16,000 from Gin for Ho to facilitate the selection of Sun Honest as Nexperia’s supplier of the two items.

ICAC enquiries revealed that during the period, Nexperia placed a purchase order for the two items with Sun Honest and settled payment sum totalling over RMB 500,000. The bribe paid to Ho was allegedly calculated based on the relevant commission received by Gin.

Nexperia has rendered full assistance to the ICAC during its investigation into the case.

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