Section 1: The Importance of Professional Ethics

Section 1: What is Professional Ethics?

Professional ethics is a set of moral principles, values and standards which guides one with specialist knowledge to behave in a fair, legal and ethical manner when providing services.

Section 1: The Importance of Professional Ethics

Exercise professional judgement and
supervisory responsibility

Practise with utmost honesty and integrity

Section 1: The Importance of Professional Ethics

1. Safeguarding public interest

Surveying professionals are expected to:

exercise their expertise in discharging their duties

be responsible and accountable for their practice

uphold a high ethical standard to protect the public interest

Section 1: The Importance of Professional Ethics

2. Guiding to best practice

Steer one to the best course of action

Avoid legal sanctions and disciplinary actions

Section 1: The Importance of Professional Ethics

3. Fulfilling qualifying requirements

Rules of Conduct


Work restrictions

Section 1: The Importance of Professional Ethics

4. Enhancing competitive edge

Gain clients' trust

Win clients' loyalty

Sustain business growth

Section 1: The Importance of Professional Ethics

5. Upholding reputation and promoting the profession

Unethical acts may discredit professional status

Integrity can boost the profession’s
credibility and respectability

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