Section 3: Professional Requirements

Section 3: Professional Requirements

Section 3: Professional Requirements

Rule 1: Responsibility to the Profession

A member of the Institution shall order his conduct so as to uphold the dignity, standing and reputation of the Profession.

In pursuance of this rule a member shall, inter alia:

1.1discharge his professional responsibilities with integrity, dignity, fairness and courtesy.

1.8treat colleagues and co-workers fairly and not misuse the advantage of position.

Section 3: Professional Requirements

Rule 2: Responsibility to Colleagues

A member of the Institution shall not maliciously or recklessly injure nor attempt to injure whether directly or indirectly the professional reputation of another engineer, and shall foster the mutual advancement of the profession.

In pursuance of this rule a member shall, inter alia:

2.4not abuse his connection with the Institution to further his business interests.

Section 3: Professional Requirements

Rule 3: Responsibility to Employers or Clients

A member of the Institution shall discharge his duties to his employer or client with integrity and in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics.

In pursuance of this rule a member shall, inter alia:

3.2avoid engaging in business, investments or activities which conflict with the interests of his employer or client, and inform his employer or client in writing of any possible conflict between his own financial interests, or those of his immediate family, and the interests of his client or employer.

3.3not accept any financial or contractual obligation on behalf of his employer or client without their authority.

3.6neither give nor accept any gift, entertainment, payment or service of more than nominal value, to or from those having a business relationship with his employer or client without the consent of the latter.

3.8safeguard confidential information in relation to his employer or client and not disclose such information to third parties without his employer’s or client’s written consent. A member shall not receive any gift, entertainment, payment or service from third parties for disclosing such information nor make use of it for personal gain.

Section 3: Professional Requirements

Rule 4: Responsibility to the Public

A member of the Institution in discharging his responsibilities to his employer and the profession shall at all times be governed by the overriding interest of the general public, in particular their environment, welfare, health and safety.

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